CAC Makes the Case for Permit Denial

We should not have had to be at the second DTSC public hearing on Oct. 23. We shouldn't have had to read through the lengthy permit documents that all tell us basically the same thing: Quemetco/Ecobat is a serial violator of the law, a significant non-complier that ignores basic regulations, a corporate bully, and a really bad neighbor. We should not have had to be at yet another public hearing, because we are a community already burdened by so much pollution. It's so unjust that communities like ours are always put in the position of defending ourselves from polluters while also having to justify our refusal to being poisoned before regulatory agencies like DTSC. 

In a more just world, corporations like Ecobat/Quemetco with a violations rap sheet a mile long wouldn't be allowed to operate, let alone be rewarded for their lawlessness with a new operating permit. In a more just world, DTSC would use its power under CA Code of Regulations Title 22 to DENY the renewal of this permit. 

But we stood up on Oct. 23, 2024 to defend our right to live in a clean neighborhood free from the threat of “excess cancer deaths” that shadow us every day. We made our case that a shoddy corporation like Ecobat/Quemetco is too dangerous to operate near residences. We're still working towards environmental justice and we'll keep working for environmental justice until the day when we can all spend our evenings and weekends with our families and in our communities, enjoying a clean and healthy environment around us and planning all the good things that will make our lives even better. ¡Si! Se puede!

Our ofrenda honoring lives lost

CAC’s 2024 Accomplishments


CAC calls on DTSC to Deny Quemetco’s Permit