CAC calls on DTSC to Deny Quemetco’s Permit

Last weekend, dozens of community members attended the CA Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC)’s public hearing to speak out against the proposed permit for controversial secondary lead smelter Ecobat (formerly named Quemetco). During the meeting, we voiced our concerns about this inherently dangerous facility and demanded that DTSC deny Quemetco’s permit and mandate that this archaic facility close down once and for all. 

After years of delays where this harmful facility was allowed to poison our community with lead while operating without a permit, DTSC now seems intent on rubber stamping Quemetco’s permit, even though it’s STILL missing vital pieces like a meaningful environmental review and an independent health assessment to help nearby communities understand the very real health risks we are being exposed to. 

It’s up to our community to continue speaking out against Quemetco in order to protect our families and our community. Join us for the next DTSC public meeting on Wednesday, October 23rd and demand that DTSC #SayNotoQuemetco!


CAC Makes the Case for Permit Denial